Monday 10 December 2012

Develoment or D - elopment

People say India is developing, yes it is. But my question is whether is it in the right way or not. Is our development methods take the proper route to the destination or just carrying out some unplanned makeovers in the cities of India?

Our government focus only on big scale development of IT and other businesses, but they are not focusing on resolving day-to-day problems of the poor and getting them to a decent living status. One main thing I have noticed in our country as the reason of poor growth rate and uneven economic distribution is, bad classification of income and status on the basis of job. What I meant is people give a cleaning job and a white-collar job two different respect levels, even though both jobs require special skills and talents. When the people in India start to give same respect to all the jobs, our country will start grow. A cleaner wont be able to replace an executive and viz, so we need both of them to carry out their daily functions. As long as nobody can replace anybody or particular job functions cannot compensate each other, we need to respect each other’s profession and dignity. That is what we must call ‘culture’, not the life style which wouldn’t support open relationships and some modern sexual controversies. When people learn to say ‘thank you ‘ and obey rules, a civilisation and good culture will flourish in our country, which will definitely lead us to the great development. 

I always wonder how these different states India came under one country. Each state has its own language, culture and even food. Nowhere in this world you can see a country with so many diversities. And the saying ‘Unity in Diversity’ is irrelevant at present. Do you think these states India would have agreed to come under a central government, if we receive our freedom after year 2000. I would say a big NO. This diversity could have been an extra factor against the development process of India. Only a few groups of people live in our metro cities, coming from different states and backgrounds could have the unity in diversity. But if you travel to villages, those people see outsiders very occasionally and their customs and culture become so strange to each other and I would say it would never lead to hospitality but hostility. As we say all are Indians, we eventually stick to our particular state and culture. No one can complaint about this, as it is the matter of human psychology and territorial behaviour. I think some of my readers would agree with this.

People in India need to have more consciousness towards preservation of natural resources, tidiness of the surroundings and awareness of safety regulations. As far as I know the law enforcement and safety awareness methodologies in India are very poor. For instance we have three lane national highways and state highways, nobody is following driving disciplines and some of our traffic lights are well above viewing angle from the windshield. Why don’t we have a standardisation in our traffic system, why don’t they plan before they do. So no one is concerned. Bikers wear helmet unless the traffic police fines them, they never think wearing helmet is for their own safety, the same with car seat belts.

I don’t want to write more about safety concerns; I just quote some key point where we need to put more focus on

Safety concerns

Traffic Safety:

·      Standardise driving lessons, tests and road patterns.
·      Limit the maximum number passengers in public transports.
·      Schedule timings for route buses to avoid dangerous race through busy roads.
·      Appoint traffic inspectors and implement technologies for time keeping of the buses.
·      Construct round-abouts in busy junctions with proper signalling and priority rules to avoid collisions.
·      Use technology to monitor speed and implement strict penalty system including driving license cancellation.
·      Start awareness programmes in the school level itself and standardised driving lessons in the college level.

Construction safety:

·      Conduct safety awareness courses for construction workers.
·      Employ licensing system for construction workers.
·      Attach employees to high-risk category and standardise their salary.
·      Employer must insure the employees and make sure they use safety equipment at the work site.
·      Make the workers aware of their privileges and duties at the work site.
·      Training must be provided to cope with accidents and other dangerous situations at the work site.

Health concerns

·      Workers must wear safety masks if they are in contact with debris or waste gas.

Hygiene Concerns

·      Proper waste collection and disposal.
·      Categorisation of waste such as recyclable waste, electronic waste and food waste etc.
·      Provide houses with proper outdoor waste carrying units.
·      Conduct hygiene courses for food processing employees.
·      Employ licensing system for food processing employees.

If government India can focus on some of these proposals and enforce them with adequate laws, this country can become a promising nation to the whole world.
As far as I am concerned India is a country with plenty of natural resources and self-running its course in the timeline…

To be continued…….

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Who is God?

Who is God?

Everyone in this world would have asked this question during any point in his or her life period. And this is the question nobody can give a convincing answer other than yourself. Ask yourself for the countless number of situations when you feel presence of an invisible helping hand, you might have explained it as coincidence, luck or fate. Few questions I might have
Who defines luck?
Who determines the fate? And finally
Who orchestrates coincidence?

Still there is no answer! Why?

Because at some point the science stops and nothing in this world can explain the phenomenon called life.

Dear friends think about the Universe that spreads infinitely and consist of countless number of stars, planets and galaxies. The science is not yet able to explain the origin of the universe and its expanding nature. All the theories related to the space are assumptions because all the major incidents constitute the creation happened before the evolution of human species. No one has seen anything like a big bang and this is just a belief, as we believe in the God. You, the readers might have some answers for these questions but I guarantee no one can give a complete answer.

I am always wondering about the floating Earth in the space, its beautiful atmosphere, blue sky and our own moon. Think about the life that flourished on the earth surface and in the vast oceans. Only few species of life forms over the Earth’s visible crust has been discovered and more have to be revealed under the sea yet. We have seen spectacular visual effect in our evening skies and lush green, dry and waste lands across the surface of the Earth. Who made it, why people across the globe look different in colour, language and culture. Who made some civilisations strong and others weak and who created great minds like Galileo and Albert Einstein, which lead to the modern scientific discoveries? Why only few people could understand the secrets lies beneath the modern science theories. As the science claims each living species evolved to their present living conditions adapting to the environment it leaves in. Then why two living creatures within same living environment behaves differently? If the DNA defines all the characteristics of behaviour in a life form who set those characteristics discretely. New theories in science about life in the Earth based on Egyptian and Indian myths, whereas God’s and Demigods are inevitable. These studies lead to the assumption that aliens visited our planet thousands of years ago and they provided knowledge to the mankind to survive in the Earth as a strong species and they helped humans to reach where we see ourselves today. These aliens from other planets or galaxies taught humans how to make fire, how to speak, write, build and so on, because there is no other chance to find an answer to the question how humans gained their knowledge? For instance think about newborn child who doesn’t know what to do when he/she is hungry, he/she doesn’t know how to find the proper food and cook it. Apply the same theory to humans in our first stage of evolution, if we started from monkey. Who fed our species in the first stage, how we made fire when we have no idea about fire. All the scientific explanations for this scenario are based on accidents but it doesn’t make any sense. There comes the significance of the invisible helping hand.

............ to be continued